25 March 2018

The most extraordinary story


Carrying the cross by himself, he went out to what is called The Place of the Skull, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha. There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, with Jesus between them. Pilate also had an inscription written and put on the cross. It read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” Many of the Jews read this inscription, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin, and in Greek.

John 19:17 - 20

Ten very short years ago I walked with my family through the majestic St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. It is an awe-inspiring testament to humanity’s capacity to create beauty from the materials the earth provides. The churches of Rome and Florence overflowed with the treasures of the of the world’s great artists and artisans.

But there is nothing more beautiful than Michelangelo’s Pieta. Smaller than you would imagine and shielded behind a Perspex window. It is surrounded by viewers from every part of the world. It speaks of the tragedy that is the death of Jesus, it is humanity expressed at its weakest moment, of a life ebbed away, of a mother bereft of her child, of the fragility of who we are, a reminder of our shared humanity, of despair, of loss. Michelangelo has captured this one moment as an expression of the tentative unfolding of God’s plan. For from these depths arises nothing less than a transformation of the world, a promise that we too will participate in this - the most extraordinary story - known to us. But the Easter event is not yet with us, our anticipation must rest like Jesus in the tomb, to await the fullest possibility – that God will raise him up.

These coming days you are invited to enter into the Church’s sacred Triduum, its three days of reflection, penance, quiet and then joyous celebration. May you be blessed with every Easter blessing.

Peter Douglas


Eastern icons challenge Western notion of Resurrection

21 March 2018
by Melissa Jones 


By John Dominic Crossan and Sarah Sexton Crossan
224 pages; Published by HarperOne

One of the great tragedies of Christianity is the continued divide between the Eastern and Western churches. Popes and patriarchs often meet to discuss the dissolution of this partition, but there is still parochialism, suspicion and feelings of theological superiority on both sides that deprive us of the richer faith that could be found in our shared love of Christ.
Resurrecting Easter: How the West Lost and the East Kept the Original Easter Vision, brings the East and West a step closer together. The authors, John Dominic Crossan and Sarah Sexton Crossan, do this by showing us visual theological expressions of our mutual Christian past. They share with us specific elements of image and Scripture that can lead to a fuller understanding of what Christ's resurrection means to all of humanity.
The book is a mix of travelogue, art history, church history and theology, as the authors examine ancient images of Christ's resurrection in both the East and the West. The Crossans are helpful tour guides who offer the reader magnificent images and thought-provoking commentary. Sarah is a veteran photographer and visual artist. John is author of more than 20 books, a professor emeritus at DePaul University and a noted biblical scholar whose portrayals of the historical Jesus have often been controversial.
This project developed out of the Crossans' curiosity about an engaging image of the Resurrection in an 11th-century Cappadocian church. Unlike the lone figure of the triumphant Christ generally seen in Western churches, this icon in Turkey showed Christ surrounded by others. This led them to question why Western Christianity depicts an individual resurrection of Jesus, whereas Eastern Church icons show a universal resurrection for Jesus and all humanity together.
This question set off a quest that ranged along Byzantium's Greek Tiber, the Syriac Tigris, the Russian Neva and the Coptic Nile. The duo made 20 research trips over the course of 15 years to document images and collect information about extant versions of Christ's resurrection, although the authors prefer to use the Greek word anastasis, which literally means "up-rising."
According to John's commentary, "These images are quite simply visual theology, and they challenge verbal theology to explain them — if it can."
In his own efforts to explain these images, Crossan asks evocative questions about the nature of Christ, the purpose of his death and resurrection and what those things ultimately mean for human existence and salvation. He explains that the book's emphasis on universal over individual iconography for Christ's resurrection is "remedial education for us Western Christians."
The common Western image of the Resurrection shows Christ as a triumphant yet singular figure. If other humans are present at all, it is often as guards lying asleep by the tomb. Crossan asserts that the image of a solo, triumphant Christ does not tell the entire story. It does not express the cosmic enormity of the cross and Resurrection in relation to human life.
The common Eastern icon of the anastasis shows Christ breaching the gates of hell, generally with two long, broken gates lying in the shape of a cross and a personified Hades or Satan lying conquered under his feet. The key element in this icon is Christ firmly grasping the wrist of Adam in the pit, pulling him along as he ascends into heaven. Eve is almost always represented, too, and sometimes she is also shown being pulled upward by the hand of Christ. David, Solomon, John the Baptist or various others are sometimes in view. In all versions, it is clear that Christ has conquered Hades and is rescuing the souls imprisoned by death.
The authors begin the sixth chapter of the book with a quote from the "Paschal Homily of St. John Chrysostom." This work, written around the late fourth or early fifth century, is joyfully read at the end of every Orthodox paschal liturgy. Only a snippet of the sermon was provided in the book, but a longer bit provided here supports Crossan's argument regarding the universality of Christ's resurrection:
Crossan asserts that the image of the universal Resurrection is the more theologically accurate portrayal of Christ's resurrection and uses his considerable knowledge of scriptural history to support this. This book may well stir some surprise or controversy among Roman Catholic Christians. However, Eastern Orthodox readers may breathe a sigh of relief and simply say, "Finally!"
The fact that the Crossans can present their images and analysis as something new for Western readers shows how far apart Eastern and Western Christianity still stand. An icon of the anastasis can be found in every Orthodox Church throughout the world, so there is no need for the curious to travel far.
Even though the Crossans "discovered" what has been lying in plain sight, their work is valuable because it brings Eastern and Western theology into dialogue via accessible commentary and fascinating images. The authors remind the Latin faithful about what Orthodox believers have embraced for centuries: Christ's resurrection was a universal, communal event. It was not for the sake of stunning us with his divine glory, it was so we — the new Adam and Eve created in God's image — can rise and live fully in the light of divine goodness.
[Melissa Jones is an adjunct professor of liberal studies at Brandman University in Irvine, California. Her doctoral studies examined the influence of Augustine on Russian Orthodox thought.]
This story appeared in the March 23-April 5, 2018 print issue of the National Catholic Reporter.

18 March 2018


He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave,
coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance,
he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death,
even death on a cross.
Philippians 2:7-8

Sometimes it takes illness to remind us of our limitations and humanity. None of us is exempt from the onslaught of colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections, nor, in fact, the ravages of age itself. Those of us who have reached milestone, and honoured ages understand the process by which our physical goals diminish, but our desire to achieve great things has no bounds!

The three-year journey of Jesus to Jerusalem, during which he ministered, preached, healed, served and loved came to a close, beginning with his entry into the city, greeted by the cries of ‘Hosanna!’ and the heralding of palms. The coming week brought both the agony and the ecstasy of his decision to accept the will and plan of God. His acceptance is of heroic proportions and divine in accomplishment. He is not the aged, sagacious Father of his People. He is young, at his peak, his disciples have not yet understood his message, there is so much more he could do – and yet everything he has said and done these past three years is leading him, thrusting him to the tree of life.

These days of darkness and shadows reveal the fullness of Jesus’ humanity as he struggles with the choices before him, the finality of his decision, the acceptance of and release of his self, his body, his life, for his Father, for us. Indeed, as Paul writes: He humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death

What an awesome mystery this is, what surrender, what passion.

A part of us too should ache with the knowledge of that passion, for that is our share in the mystery. This Sunday we remember and relive the Passion of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.

Peter Douglas


by Carol Glatz CNS

Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, who said he did not believe in God, was still an esteemed member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and fostered a fruitful dialogue between science and faith.
The academy, which Pope Pius IX established in 1847, tweeted, "We are deeply saddened about the passing of our remarkable Academician Stephen #Hawking who was so faithful to our Academy."
"He told the 4 Popes he met that he wanted to advance the relationship between Faith and Scientific Reason. We pray the Lord to welcome him in his Glory," @CasinaPioIV, the academy, tweeted March 14.
The Vatican observatory, @SpecolaVaticana, also expressed its condolences to Hawking's family.
"We value the enormous scientific contribution he has made to quantum cosmology and the courage he had in facing illness," the observatory tweeted in Italian.
The British-born theoretical physicist, cosmologist and popular author died March 14 at the age of 76.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster tweeted, "We thank Stephen Hawking for his outstanding contribution to science. As a member of the Pontifical Academy of Science, he will be missed and mourned there, too."
Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury tweeted: "Professor Stephen Hawking's contribution to science was as limitless as the universe he devoted his life to understanding. His was a life lived with bravery and passion. As we pray for all those who mourn him, may he rest in peace.
Blessed Paul VI named Hawking a member of the papal academy in 1986. The academy's members are chosen on the basis of their academic credentials and professional expertise – not religious beliefs.
Blessed Paul, the first of four popes to meet Hawking, gave the then 33-year-old scientist the prestigious Pius XI gold medal in 1975 after a unanimous vote by the academy in recognition of his great work, exceptional promise and "important contribution of his research to scientific progress".
Pictures from the academy's archives show the Pope kneeling before Hawking, who was seated in a motorised wheelchair, to present him with the medal and touch his head.
Hawking had most recently met Pope Francis when he delivered his presentation on "The Origin of the Universe" at the academy's plenary session on science and sustainability in 2016.
In interviews and his writings, Hawking asserted that God had no role in creating the universe.
Yet his avowed atheism did not keep him from engaging in dialogue and debate with the church as his work and contribution to the papal academy showed.
He also debated on CNN's "Larry King Live" in 2010 with Jesuit Father Robert Spitzer – a philosopher and educator – over the scientific underpinnings of the beginning of the universe and the theological arguments for the existence of God.
Vatican astronomer, Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, who has studied both physics and philosophy, told Catholic News Service in 2010 that "the 'god' that Stephen Hawking doesn't believe in is one I don't believe in either."
"God is not just another force in the universe, alongside gravity or electricity," he added. "God is the reason why existence itself exists. God is the reason why space and time and the laws of nature can be present for the forces to operate that Stephen Hawking is talking about."
First published in The Tablet of 14 March 2018.      

A new creation

  Therefore, if anyone  is  in Christ,  he is  a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have becom...